K53d # This listing is for one display only! This is a beautiful Bleeding heart butterfly displayed so he will stay clean and safe for years to come.
Framed Display Approx. Dimensions:
This is nicely showcased in a shadowbox type frame that suspends him in a clear elasticity film so both sides may be viewed unobstructed and also gives the specimen the illusion of "floating"! This can be opened but I advise against it as the specimens or the elasticity strip usually are damaged when you open the display. If the film in your display starts to stick together or gets some bubbles in it you can open the case very slowly so the film releases from both side and close again very slowly and the problem should be resolved. If the film gets touched are is in a hot area this can happen but it is a very easy fix. Once the display has been opened returns are no longer accepted.
HANGING DISPLAYS: The floating displays all have removable bases so if you would like, just a piece or two of Velcro or command strip will mount these right to your wall without a problem. The case will keep him clean and safe for years to come!
Butterflies are loved by all and are one of our very favorite insects. They do not sting or bite which makes them even more popular! This butterfly has been showcased in a glass dome so it can be enjoyed for years to come. These make wonderful gifts and are so beautiful most anyone receiving would be thrilled to have one!
Species and fun facts: Heliconius Doris Aristomache -- Bleeding Heart butterfly
Heliconius doris, the Doris longwing or Doris is a species of butterfly in the family Nymphalidae. It is known for being a polymorphic species which participates in various Müllerian mimicry rings throughout Central America and the Amazon rainforest. It is a species of special interest in biological science for the genetic basis and role of polymorphism (biology) in ecology and evolution.
Returns are excepted, please contact us ASAP if you would like to return the item. Return shipping to be paid by buyer. Once the item is returned a refund will be issued minus a $8. restocking fee on each of these items ordered. There are no refunds on shipping charges. When purchasing this item you are agreeing to the following: No claims for small broken parts such as antennae or a detached wing, antennae are so fragile that they cannot be guaranteed in shipping. Wings and other small parts are easily fixable and you should be aware that you may have to fix (glue) a part when purchasing items like these. If there is a major problem I will take care of the matter. See my feedback for confirmation. I rarely have a problem but even with good packaging it is impossible for us to Guarantee that specimens will arrive totally intact although I have had very few problems to date. If you pay for Priority mail your items will be covered by postal insurance which will cover any damage in shipping-First class does not cover damage as it is not insured. The post office does now require you to bring the item in for inspection to receive postal insurance payouts. Your refund/discount will be processed once the item is presented at the post office.