Y26d #6 This guy is Big and beautiful~ He has outer wing shells that are golden/brown and spread wings!
Framed Display Approx. Dimensions: 9 x 9 x 2"
This is nicely showcased in a shadowbox type frame that suspends him in a clear elasticity film so both sides may be viewed unobstructed and also gives the specimen the illusion of "floating"! This can be opened but I advise against it as the specimens or the elasticity strip usually are damaged when you open the display. If the film in your display starts to stick together or gets some bubbles in it you can open the case very slowly so the film releases from both side and close again very slowly and the problem should be resolved. If the film gets touched are is in a hot area this can happen but it is a very easy fix. Once the display has been opened returns are no longer accepted.
HANGING DISPLAYS: The floating displays all have removable bases so if you would like, just a piece or two of Velcro or command strip will mount these right to your wall without a problem. The case will keep him clean and safe for years to come!
Species and fun facts: Odontolabis Mouhoti Elegans
The species of the genus Odontolabis are large (males up to 9 cm), oblong and shiny. Usually males have more or less enlarged head and jaws. The head and the pronotum usually are black, while elytra are often more or less brownish or yellowish. In some species the shape of the male's jaws have several different forms (polymorphism).
The species of this genus are native to Southeast Asia.
Odontolabis Mouhoti Elegans